EU law and its implementation - Insights of a Judge at the EU’s most powerful court
17 January 2023, 17:00 (CET)
Have you ever wondered what it is like to be a Judge at the European Court of Justice (ECJ)? How Courts contribute to developing and strengthening the EU legal system? How the unity and coherence of the European legal system can be ensured with a mixture of 27 different national legal systems and languages? And, what the biggest challenges for EU law are today? Join the EDI-team for this unique opportunity to discuss your thoughts and questions with a Judge of the General Court at the European Court of Justice, the highest court in the EU.
Damjan Kukovec from Slovenia was appointed as a Judge at the General Court on 13 January 2022. He is one of 54 Judges at the General Court ruling on the most important EU law cases. The General Court covers areas such as competition, the environment, public health, trademarks and transparency all of which can affect individuals or companies. The General Court has the power to overturn decisions made by other EU institutions and can impose fines on companies for breaching EU competition rules.
Damjan Kukovec studied law at the University of Ljubljana and the Harvard Law School. He has worked in numerous universities around the world, lecturing at the Harvard Law School in the US and in universities in Brazil, Belgium, Italy, the UK and Slovenia. Damjan Kukovec is the author of numerous publications in EU law such as how EU law affects member states differently in Western and Central Europe. If you are curious to learn more about the experiences of a Judge and the latest development in EU law, then join us for a discussion on Wednesday, 17th of January at 17:00 CET.
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