EU Cafe: Agenda for Europe
6 April 2024

European Parliament elections? Join us for a brunch! Together we will discuss the European Union's progress over the past five years (2019-2024) at the Ukrainian Hub in Copenhagen.
10:00 - Free brunch with a presentation of the European Parliament’s past-5-year achievements given by Zoé Elkær Nicot, European Debate Initiative.
11:30 - Table-level discussions and networking
12:30 - EU Game with prizes
This event was organized by AMIS (A More Inclusive Society), Last Week in Denmark and The European Debate Initiative. AMIS is an NGO that works to create space for Internationals living in Denmark to take part in the Danish Society. AMIS has over 30 years of history, during which more than 100 projects aimed at developing better opportunities and inclusion in Denmark and Europe have been completed. Last Week in Denmark is a weekly newsletter about Danish latest news available in 6 languages (English, Romanian, Polish, Spanish, Turkish and Italian).
@The European Debate Initiative is an NGO that fosters discussions between professionals and young people on European and global affairs. This event is supported by Europa-Nævnet. The responsibility for the content lies alone with the recipient of the offer.